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REMINDER!! Weekly Garbage Collection Will Now Be On THURSDAYS Beginning December 21


G&G Garbage has requested that Richey's weekly garbage collection day be moved from Friday to Thursday. The Town has agreed to this new schedule and feels that it will be a positive for our community for a couple of reasons. First, if our garbage is unable to be picked up on a given Thursday (for example, because of severe weather), it is much more likely that G&G can reschedule us for Friday versus coming back over the weekend. Second, people who are not in Town on Fridays, and/or leave town on Friday for the weekend, may be hesitant to set out their totes on Friday morning and leave them out all weekend; Thursday pick-ups will alleviate this concern as well.

PLEASE pass this important message on to those who may not have access to social media or the Internet. In the meantime, we have posted flyers at all of our regular spots around town. Thank you!